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The Martian highlights the technological advancement in sending people to Mars, but when that goes wrong and someone is left behind, it becomes a race for survival. In approximately 18 months on Mars, Mark Watney must figure out how to first, find a stable source of food, and second, make contact with NASA back on Earth to find a way to get him home. During his time on Mars Mark Watney would experience a lot of adversity, but after 18 months, Mark was able to make contact with the people at NASA and his friends returning home. His friends returning home were to fly around the earth and then using equipment for a future mission, Mark would have to intercept with them in space.


I really liked this movie because of the effects that were used to portray Mars, and the acting made the situation all the more realistic. Matt Damon portrayed his character, Mark Watney, very well In making sure that the scenes were more realistic. The movie kept me in engaged and I was really fascinated with the ideas carried out in order to bring Mark back to earth. What I thought to be the coolest part of the movie was when he knew that he had to get more food so he decided to take some leftover potatoes and grow them inside the hatch. The idea that someone can grow food on Mars was really cool to me and made me feel sort of optimistic about what we might be able to achieve in the future. Everything in the movie, from the spaceship to the landscape of Mars, all looks so real and it kept me interested in the movie and it made it feel more realistic. And the courage shown by the crew at NASA and by his friends in space was very emotional yet exciting when deciding that they needed to go back and bring him home rather than wait for years for the next mission. 


I would absolutely recommend this movie to anybody, even if they are interested in space necessarily. I have never had that much of an interest in space but seeing what could potential he be possible or seen what is like to be on Mars was really exciting and it kept me drawn and watching the movie. I found the movie to be exciting and intriguing and extremely interesting in Marks adventure and and his voyage home. The struggles mark face throughout the movie also made it more interesting in my opinion because it shows that nothing is going to be smooth sailing and in the face of adversity you have to overcome what might be the scariest moment of your life in order to Achieve a desired outcome. Since watching the movie I have already told a couple of my friends that they need to see it and even my father was very interested in the idea of it when I talk to him about what I thought of the movie



Mark Watney preparing to travel from Acidalia Planitia to the large crater Schiaparelli, where he can lift off to meet the rest of the crew in space


Mark Watney after making contact with NASA


Mark beginning to gather materials in order to grow more potatoes


The potatoes Mark grew using waste and leftover potatoes from earlier food


Mark on his way to the Schiaparelli crater in the rover.

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